Thursday, November 19, 2009


Hi guys..

For people who are expecting more news on my encounters with Shalini's dad, this post is going to be a disappointment. This post is specially dedicated to my concerned parents whose mercury levels shot up in the sphygmomanometer when they read my previous posts. (Ma.. Sphygmomanometer is the device with which Dr. Suresh checks your BP).

For people who read my previous posts and framed an opinion that i am a typically spoiled typical teenager, i have got news for you..

1. Sadly, am no more a teenager
2. I am using this blog just to show off my command over language and my sense of humor

In all, my posts were and will continue to be purely fictional. Any references to proper nouns are purely coincidental and I own no responsibility.

Okay.. Its time for my breakfast. Shalini will be waiting in the bus stop. Catch you guys later.

