Thursday, November 19, 2009


Hi guys..

For people who are expecting more news on my encounters with Shalini's dad, this post is going to be a disappointment. This post is specially dedicated to my concerned parents whose mercury levels shot up in the sphygmomanometer when they read my previous posts. (Ma.. Sphygmomanometer is the device with which Dr. Suresh checks your BP).

For people who read my previous posts and framed an opinion that i am a typically spoiled typical teenager, i have got news for you..

1. Sadly, am no more a teenager
2. I am using this blog just to show off my command over language and my sense of humor

In all, my posts were and will continue to be purely fictional. Any references to proper nouns are purely coincidental and I own no responsibility.

Okay.. Its time for my breakfast. Shalini will be waiting in the bus stop. Catch you guys later.



Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wat da hell !

It was on November 14th. I got up early in the morning around 10 Am.. Had to meet one of the top most cops in the city for a personal assignment. (I call it personal cos i was getting my mark sheets attested. Marks are strictly personal cos even today there are a few dumbos who judge u by ur marks and such ppl think meeting a five point someone is a waste of time). As soon as i passed over a copy of my mark sheet to him, he threw a terrifying look. I was scared to death. Shalini's dad once threw the same look when he saw me with his beautiful daughter in a shopping mall.. There were two things in common in both the looks..

1. They hated my age
2. They dint accuse me.. They accused my parents and teachers..

What can i do? I was helpless.. I was cornered... When i was in school, it was the ground floor flat Neha.. In college, Divya stayed next to my house.. Now its Shalini.. If at all u see this as a problem, its cos of Geography and not Biology.. Well...... May be u can call it Chemistry.. Having a good Chemistry with a neighbor is not that big a mistake, is it?

Is it my mistake if your daughter feels hungry and wants a Mc Donald's burger when u are not at home? Is it my mistake if your daughter feels bored after the Mc Donald's burger and wants to go to a movie?

And now tel me if its my mistake if i accidentally (ahem) happened to be standing outside ur house with a bike when ur daughter was hungry? Is it my mistake to give my neighbor a lift when her irresponsible dad has gone to see his friends new born child (Definitely not my mistake) when his beautiful daughter feels hungry? That too, so hungry that she had to take her neighbor to the restaurant.

Leave alone all that... is it my mistake if i don tel u what happened after the burger and the movie??? if u feel that that its a real mistake.. all i can say is this...


P.S. F/O Shalini Agarwal - We used your Credit Card for tickets, burgers, fuel etc etc... Including the Cigarette packet which i gifted you yesterday night !!!


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hello World

Hello World..

Apart from my posts in the (technical) forums :P, this is the first time am "Hello"ing the "World".. Thanks to WWW. and Thanks to google for "Creating Blog for Dummies". :P

This is my first post.. So here goes the dedication list.. 1. To myself for putting all my effort into action and making this happen.. 2. To my parents who never knew that i am gonna create a blog (more of a formality and an attempt to sound like a pro ;) ) 3. To my future in-laws, without whom am being able to concentrate on my blog so effectively 4. To my landlord 5. To my roomies 6. To the milkman 7. To the hundreds of mosquitoes ( for keeping me on my toes most of the night) and the 8. Girl next door ;)

Here we go.. What is this post going to be about? Lots of contenders for this.. My parents, My first job. My first short story "What it takes being a Dog in Kolkata", My roommates (they insisted having their names on my blog) lolz, My first ARR's live concert, My Shalini (Girl Next Door). Am thinking..OMG.. Shalini's dad banging the door.. dunno why he s here.. Trust me i dint meet her for the past two days.. And am innocent.. Gotta go now.. Catch u later if he spares me alive.. Bye