Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Answer Me !

After having worked in Healthcare domain for about 8 months and after having seen what it takes to have your suffering friend treated in a Private Hospital, I felt that the least I can do about it is to dedicate a few hundred pixels of screen space in my blog. I am too young and inexperienced to find fault with established systems in this country. But the Census and my birth certificate say that am 22 years old. My Social Studies teacher has once taught me that after 18 years of age, I become an integral part of the society. Keeping all of this in mind, I have a few doubts to be answered by the great minds which established these systems and even greater minds which found successful ways to corrupt it...

India’s Healthcare system has improved a lot over the past few years, but much is yet to be accomplished. Unfortunately, the steady increase in the number of multi-specialty clinics does not mark a significant improvement in the treatment a common man is provided with. The priorities seem to have switched from proper patient care to revenue generation. The person getting treated is seen more as a customer than as a suffering patient. The deliberate commercialization of the healthcare industry has been pushing the state behind others in the race towards overall excellence.

People are sick... Many of them in fact... The sickest of them become founders of hospitals... They die... but for money... they kill... for money... All they look for is name and fame... followed by money... What is it if not shame? You say u care... u don do it unless v pay our share... even for ppl to whom money is not near, lives are dear.. We pray... Don make us ur Prey.

My questions are many... Can u answer any?


  1. Hey!! The last segment had a poetic touch to it.. I've gone to the optician's only to find they were less interested in giving me a new pair of specs instead of contacts ;) Well, good to see a break from Shalini ;)
